Lance Leighton
Founder – HedgeFundSpaces.com
New York State Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
600 Madison Avenue is owned by Ruben Companies and is ideally situated at 58th Street and Madison Avenue. Despite massive relocations out of Midtown and into new construction like Hudson Yards and The World Trade Center, this location is still one of the most desirable in Manhattan for hedge funds, private equity funds, and other boutique financial services firms. This 26-story asset has sweeping views of Central Park and floors ranging from 21,000 square feet all the way down to 4,500 square feet, which caters extremely well to the types of companies previously mentioned. Just this week, a fantastic furnished, plug and play sublease hit the market on the 17th floor.
The entire 17th floor measures 13,115 rentable square feet and is being offered for sublease from research firm MoffettNathanson. Available for possession on an immediate basis, the sublease term extends through November 2029 allowing for a company to plant its flag on a long term basis in a great building at a discounted rent. The floor is built with 17 perimeter offices, 3 conference rooms, 23 workstations, reception area, private restroom with a shower, large open pantry and a small pantry off reception. The floor gets ample natural light and features Central Park views. All of MoffetNathanson’s existing furniture and infrastructure can be left behind for an incoming subtenant as well. This is undoubtedly one of the best furnished, plug and play sublease opportunities Midtown has to offer.
For more information on this sublease please click here or try our free office space search here!
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